
Favorite genre

Hiphop, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad, Jazz, Latin, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove

Favorite artists

It is very difficult to select a definite list of favorite artists. Since music is continually being born throughout the world, favorite artists are constantly changing too. A favorite artist today might be replaced by a new one in the future.

About me

Raymond Bevilacqua is #MusicManNow.
He has composed several sample songs included here in MusicShake.

MusicManNow has a NEW WEBSITE at (copy and paste).

MusicManNow Music is on the TOP MUSIC CHART LISTINGS.
Look for the listing to the right of these words.


(Step 1): To listen to all of the songs nonstop here in #MusicManNow,
just click on the plus sign (+) for each song. This will create a music listening playlist at the bottom of your screen.

(Step 2): Press the "play" button on the first song in your playlist! That's it! All of the songs that you have selected will now play in order on your playlist.

(Step 3): Enjoy listening to the MusicManNow songs that you have selected! Happy listening!

CONTACT MusicManNow in order to collaborate with Raymond and his musical creations, which can be adapted to any of your record company, music studio, commercial or personal usage needs. MusicManNow has no limits when it comes to music.

MusicManNow's E-MAIL ADDRESS is .

If you think that the songs here are all the music that Raymond has in his head, you haven't heard anything yet!


Music is eternal.
It existed in ancient times as well as now in the present.
Music is omnipresent.
It is everywhere all the time.
Music is universal.
It is present on Earth, but is also floating around in outer space.
Music is emotional.
It can make humans behave in any way possible.
Music is global.
It surrounds every living soul on Earth.
Music is culture.
It is heard in every kind of ceremony celebrated on this planet.
Music is awareness.
It is experienced by the senses as well as by the conscious mind.
Music is untouchable.
It is audible.
Music is blind.
It appreciates being listened to.
Music is infinite.
It has no limits.
Music is powerful.
It makes people behave in different ways.
Music is unique.
It exists without restraints.
Music is music.
It just is.

(Raymond Bevilacqua, 2017)

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