Scary 5x5 created by KiranMcGuire 8 years ago

Plays: 12 Favorites: 1
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Alone/Lonely Theme: Other

(Here is my story to read with the suspenseful music. Enjoy!):
Something was chasing me. That was all I knew. I could feel it getting closer and closer to me with each step I took. I didn’t know what it was but there was no time and look back at it.

My breathing was hard. I whizzed forward into the forest with only the cloud’s flashes of light that snapped though the sky. I had no idea where I was going, but I needed to keep moving. That was my only escape. As I ran, I searched through my pockets momentarily for my phone. I must’ve dropped it when I started running.

Dark black clouds rumbled through the sky. It looks like we would probably get some heavy rain later tonight. I was waiting outside for my dad’s black buick rendezvous to pull around the corner. I checked the time again: 10:14 pm. He called me just a few minutes ago which luckily had woken me up from a “short” nap. He must be running late or something. I fidgeted with the black bag that had held my school books and papers I had just gotten done working on. That reminds me, maybe I should send a thank-you note to the librarian for letting me stay later to get my book project done. I was actually supposed to be out of the library by 9:30 but I left at 10:10. Whoops.

A black figure emerged on the other side of the street that I was standing on. I paused for a second but then decided to pretended not to see it. It was probably just a figment of my imagination, anyways. I checked my phone again for the time: 10:23 the white block numbers read on the screen. I glanced up again to see that the figure had grown bigger, or perhaps it had gotten- closer. The figure looked almost as if it was a large man, with a miniature person sitting upon his shoulder. I looked at the library and the dense forest beyond it. I turned towards the figure again, and it was right next to my face and whispered in a deep voice, “Hello.” I turned and ran towards the dark forest.

There started to become less and less trees, and more rocks. Some were smooth and rounded but most of them sharp and jagged. I started to slip a bit but quickly regained my balance, and continued to run forward although I was losing my strength.

It started to pour. The rocks were becoming even harder to run on. I was tripping over the wet rocks and bruises and cuts were beginning to form all over my arms and legs. My body was aching. A flash of lightning crackled through the sky just as my foot missed the next rock and I tumbled to the ground. My head slammed against one of the sharp rocks and a sharp pain shot through my head. My vision was blurry. I touched my hand to the large gash that expanded from the corner of my right eye to my temple. I put my hand to gash and felt the red slush that seemed to be pouring out of my head. My nose became filled with the metallic smell of blood as my vision went black.

Ring ring!


Ring ring!

I raised my head to feel a rush of pain sprout through my head, then it was gone.
Where am I? I looked around through the dim lights to see multiple shelves lined with books. The ancient desktop box computer yawned to life as I bumped the mouse. It hummed as the screen turned blue.

Ring ring!

Oh yeah, my phone. I picked it up and looked at the name that flashed across the screen, it read Dad. I swiped my thumb across the screen, accepting the call and then placing it at my ear.

“I’m on my way. Are you ready?”

“Yes, Dad.”

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Okay, Dad. “

“See you soon then.”

“Bye, Dad.”

I stood up and gathered my papers and books and shoved them in my bag. I looked down at my phone and checked the time, 10:08, then put it in my back pocket and pushed my bag onto my back. I shut the computer down and walked to the the front of the library where I locked the door and left.

I waited outside for a couple minutes.I pulled out my phone. 10:14. He must be running late.
That’s when I saw the dark, shadowy figure across the street.

Other songs by KiranMcGuire see all
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scootch - 14 years ago

ok, u may not play any instruments but u r no stranger 2 music. there r a # of us that like using the strings/Pizz. i find the strings & bells the easiest 2 combo up with other instruments & the tempo/rhythm of strings/bells helps with drum beat selection. very good first mix.

FinnC - 14 years ago

I think I have a good ear to music, but still I am a happy amateur.

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