Crashed created by Jakio 11 years ago

Chapter 6 Side Effects
“err” I groaned. I went to rub my head but I couldn’t lift my arm. My eyes finally adjusted to the light and I noticed I was in the imfirmary on the Ursa.
“Oh goodness your awake!” said the nurse. “ I you’ve been out for 2 weeks.” 2 weeks I thought, coincidence? I didn’t leave my room for 2 weeks when I was depressed. The only thing I managed to spit out was “2 weeks?” “Yes” the nurse nodded “You ended up better than Mr. Hutchens.” I sat up. “What Happened to Louis?” the nurse came over to me, “relax Mr. Warren. You need to relax, we don’t want you get upset. I’m not supposed to tell you what happened to Mr. Hutchens” she then stuck a thermometer in my mouth. “102.1, mild fever. But nothing serious. How you feeling?”
“What Happened to LOUIS?” I insisted. The nurse sighed. “Mr. Warren please, if you want to know ask someone else, but im not getting in trouble by telling you.” She was writing notes down in a medical pad. “Fine” I said “who Would know?” she looked at me. Then shook her head. “Im Sorry Mr. Warren, I wouldn’t know” I sighed.
“interesting, now your temp in 91.1, but how? Why Would it drop so much?” he left the room in a rush. Suddenly the room felt really cold. I tried to move my arms but they were strapped to the bed, under a sheet. I started to freak out “HEY!! Why am I strapped? What the hell is going onjQuery172019442095002159476_1401800487712” suddenly it got really hot again. The door opened and in came the nurse followed by Dr. Smith.
“Hello Mr Warren, it is you this time right?” he walked over to me, I looked up at him. “what” I gasped I was sweating and panting for water. “what do you mean this time?”
“ah, so you don’t remember. You woke up yesterday claiming to be some Monceto creature called a ‘Wincarzal’ nobody here knows what that is.” Dr. Smith explained. He then put a cool rag on my forehead. It felt reassuring “May I ask you a question Mr. Warren?” I repositioned myself. “Sure, only if you answer a question of mine” he nodded so I continued “What happened to Louis?” the doctor looked back at the Nurse, she nodded then left the room. The doctor bent over and whispered “He’s dead” he stood up straight “WHAT?!?! HOWjQuery172020903338957577944_1410524218210?” The rag on my forehead started to sizzle “HOWjQuery172020903338957577944_1410524218211?” the doctor jumped back “Mr. Warren calm down!!” “HOW DID HE DIEjQuery172020903338957577944_1410524218212?” my muscles tensed and I could feel the straps give way, then snap. My arms flung up and the sheet caught fire and burned up into ash. The Doctor turned on a fan and blew the smoke and ash away. When I cleared I almost had a heart attack I stare at my right hand and fore-arm. It was glowing blue and white. More intencely around my hand. “wha- what the hell?” the doctor walked back up to me. “So now to my question, what did you come incontact with on Monceto?” I couldn’t speak. I just sat there on the medical bed staring at my hand. “Mr. Warren what did you touch?” I looked at the doctor. “a blue orb, that’s all I know about it”
Dr. Smith walked back to the counter. “that’s what Mr Hutchens said. A blue orb” “How did Louis die? I deserve to know.” I said. Dr. smith sighed “ I suppose you do, are you sure you want to know. It might upset you.” I thought for a second “Yes, I believe I can handle it”
Dr. Smith leaned up against the counter. “ok according to Mr. Snyder and Mr. Lovitt Louis dragged your unconscious body back to the Ursa. Mr. Lovitt phoned the medical staffed and we rushed down to pick you and Mr. Hutchens up. You remained unconscious whilst we treated Mr. Hutchens. His Physical injuries were a minimum, a few scrapes here and there, but he seemed distressed about something, he kept saying blue orb over and over again. Everytime one of the nurses or I tried to speak with him he’d snap at us and yell something. A couple days later the army barged in and took him with them. But before they took him. I noticed his eyes. His eyes were glowing the same pattern as your hand there. From what I understand they took Louis to interrogate him about his discovery. I believe what actually happened is Louis attacked one of the guards and he was killed. So in short talk he had a mental meltdown and went crazy. When you woke up Yesterday and starting yelling some foreign language I thought they’d take you too, but then you calmed down and passed out again. And now here you are. Awake and burned half this medical room.”
I emptily gawked at the wall in front of me, trying to ponder what the doctor said. It was a lot to take in. “Whatever you did differently that he did you seemed to take it better” he mumbled as he wrote down more things.
“I had a cut” I said, “excuse me?” “I had a cut, on my hand.” I repeated. The doctor dropped his pen “That’s it!! Whatever possessed you two, your body accepted it better because it had a direct path to your blood!” I looked down at my hand. Opened and closed it a few times. Then I set it on the bed rail. My hand got cold, I looked at it again, and I gasped. The doctor turned around and the folders he held in his hand fell to the floor. I just kept staring at my hand. I felt so stiff, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The doctor walked over to where my hand is grasping the bed rail. He tapped his pen on it *Ding Ding* he looked up at me. “Metal, your hand is Metal!!!”
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