WAKING UP IN PARADISE created by oeroe2911 11 years ago

Plays: 179
Favorites: 16
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Happy/Excited
Theme: Other
This is a "Happy Song" ! what would you do, when you went to bed at night, and after some time you suddenly wake up in....PARADISE
Please tell me about it in a comment!@ LOL! Enjoy and have fun with this song!
~~~~~WAKING UP IN PARADISE~~~~~~}}}}}}}}}
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Absolutely a paradise indeed. Great job.
grooving-electron. as all-ways, u do not disappoint. great music.
thanks scootch! I´m really very happy to see you again my friend!! OEROE!
Very nice !
Very amazing. Like the bass
great song I would imagine myself in candy land eating until i pass out. Then i would have to go to my dentist and get false teeth from all the unhealthy food i ate that damaged my teeth.
Thanks Jack! That's a great story my friend! I gues I would do exactly the same...however without the dentist part! haha!! Cheers! OEROE
so Im waking up to the sun shining in my face. a nice big tit girl greets me and asks me what i would like for breakfast. i tell her my order and this beautiful girl starts slowly taking off her clothes...Im still kinda drunk from the wild nite before and not sure if Im still dreaming. not long after making sweet love on the beach again. i realize this is not a dream but reality. dressed and no stress i hit the beach. beautiful girls all around me. they all want me. i seem to be the only mak
Great work Oeroe! :D I'd look around and explore, of course!
tHIS is It!!! I'm in paradise know as WONDERALASDNF LAND!!! It is sooo Beautiful!! I love the Sun set !!! Great Job, Architect!!!! LoLl
Thanks Blankman!!! I just saw you posted a new songf, so I will check it out RIGHT AWAY!!!!! Greetings ! the OEROETECT" ! LOL!
i seem to be the only male around. well i guess Im going to be busy for a while. c ya.
well I think you still are bussy with all these chick's! so I will hear you in a couple of day's I gues ??? LOLOL!! thanks man!! OEROE
what a fantasy ride we have here.
I love the odd pairings of instruments !-) like how it makes you go whoa
good job, and weird as usual. but atmospherically settling.
thanks my friend! I know what you mean with going "whoa" ! because that's exactly what I felt while I was creating the song! so I was expecting you would like this song a lot! thanks for your very uplifting comment man!! Cheers, OEROE!