Go to Sleep created by RinnyBear 12 years ago

Plays: 14 Favorites: 1
Genre: Pop Mood: Warm/Comforting Theme: Other

This is for all those people who can't seem to sleep. (I'm talking to you Hiroki!)

Other songs by RinnyBear see all
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CAB1 - 6 years ago

The synths and basses in this song are layered so freaking well. I was never much into making electronic music myself, but you and blanktown continue to impress me with the creativity put into these songs. Love this!

ataurus - 8 years ago

Hmmm... as you said, but It's really good, davidk :) Hey, I'm just rying to promote something most people will enjoy as the work they put in and the experience they deliver to the community. This is pretty good stuff, davidk :) I enjoyed it 5 years after you posted :) Stars!

davidk - 8 years ago

Thanks!!! You understand my purpose here. To make noise and entertain people. For some like myself music is an escape so if someone can listen to something I made and they not think about the problems in their life for a short while then it was all worth it. Im not going to be famous here but I am known. I don't care about popularity. I just want to get people off. With music.

ataurus - 8 years ago

I was tempted to think why people post on Musicshake. Here's what I came up with (the list is probably incomple).
- My "song" is a masterpiece
- I long for attention and praise
- My "song" will entertain lots of people
- I experiment with music and community, etc.
- I want to prove my "song" is the best
- I prove my skills
- I seek advice
- My "song" reflects my emotional state
- My song promotes a specific genre
- I always get praise
- This is my best effort to deliver
- My "song" sounds better

SidSOUND - 9 years ago

pretty sic indeed.. !

davidk - 9 years ago

I see you're starting to like my style. Right on!!! Thanks for the sick comment. Hell I've even remixxxed eminem on here. I have the accapella on record. I dj for fun in real life.

blanktown48 - 12 years ago

Holy shit

blanktown48 - 10 years ago

The remix that was never motivated

davidk - 10 years ago

The remix that never came.

blanktown48 - 10 years ago


davidk - 12 years ago

What up nickel.

davidk - 12 years ago

I know right. Still coming back to this.

Abbb123 - 13 years ago

Wow!! I LOVE this song a lot!! I think honestly that from what I've seen, Oeroe and you are the number one techno masters on MS!! Fabulous Job!! =D

davidk - 12 years ago

Still thinking about your top comment. Thanks again for keeping hope alive.

davidk - 12 years ago

Thanks once again.

Abbb123 - 13 years ago

O!! That's Great!!! Hope it loads too so that I can hear it!!

davidk - 13 years ago

WOW THAT MEANS A LOT... i am about to upload another track...said google chrome could not handle it...i hope it loads lol.

GComet - 12 years ago

*B-comet here i just want to say that I like this song it is
Extreme indeed

davidk - 12 years ago

Don't hate on it.

davidk - 12 years ago

Where the fave????

vavovavo - 12 years ago


davidk - 12 years ago

Thanks v...check out the first one to this called five moons you might just like it.

Buck - 12 years ago

Pretty cool Bro.

davidk - 12 years ago

Thanks flash. Check out the first one to this called five moons. Might like that as well.

kirky - 12 years ago

is it harvest moon??????!!!!-)))))))))))))) YEEEEAAAAHHH!!!!!!!! D-N-B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S WHAT I'M BOUTING A-TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-))))))))))))))) AWESOOOOOOOMMMMEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE-HEEEEY D-KAY, WHAT UP DAAAAAWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????

kirky - 12 years ago

Yeah BRO!!!! it's AAAAALL GOOD MAAAAN!!!!! ...i never left mom!!!! LOL!!!!!! ... no didn hear it.... i had 2 switch internet operator, i had cable 12 Mbps, now on dsl 3 Mbps........... but it's aaaaaalll riiiiiite noooooooow, jumpin jack flash,....... c-ya BROO!!!!!!!-))))))))))))))

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