Discover The Magic created by pritzy 12 years ago

Plays: 11
Favorites: 2
Genre: Ballad
Mood: Light/Bright
Theme: Animation
A little girl is walking through the woods at night and discovers fairies. She watches them dance around the tree until they notice her. She stares in awe as they circle around her leaving trails of fairy dust. She closes her eyes as she starts to glow and gradually shrink. She opens them seeing that she is now a fairy...
~Pritzy Production~
love this!
Wow this sounds incredible.
Ty KentaKusanagi:)
I mean this cind of music is getting more and more popular,its just makes me shiver and really i picture my self in that epic world^^.
yes Kiki now u geting ther,this i like,dont rush have patience u can do a lot just put some passion and fantasy on to it,nice.
Thank you so much :)