NO FEAR!! NOTHiNG CAN HARM US!! created by oeroe2911 13 years ago

As you all have seen, our "pride and joy" of music shake "Satan" once again tops the charts, and also on the cover of the music shake website! It is very bad publicity for the music shake community, and most of us know ofcourse that this is a pathetic display of one of our fellow shakers, who probably is welknown under a different account ! I think you definitely should not play with dark forces, and I think there are still many very young, and innocent shakers, unnecessarily confronted with negative excesses of a frustrated individual! evil energy you need to answer back with love and light , as a kind of antidote! and through this song I hope to show everyone that GOOD always will win from EVIL !!. and that we are not afraid of dark forces, because nothing can harm us! I have mixed all the good forces that I could find, in this song ! And I hope that everyone will feel good, after listening to the song! ENJOY!! NO FEAR! PEASE! OEROE!
~~~~N0 FEAR!~~~~~~N0 FEAR!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N0 FEAR!~~N0 FEAR!
my back is not doing so good so i think i'll pass on dancing my back to worse, great song though.i bobed my head a bit. ~♣Ace♣
Thanks, hope your back gets better.
Really nice. Enjoyed this tune :)
I did too xD.
You, my friend, are truly making amazing music right now. I feel proud of you. Well done! :)
I really liked the intro! Good work!
Yea 1:39 is my favorite.
nice classic sound
i think i broke my back dancing to this which means this song is amazing!
Thanks but you should go get that checked out. xD