slickestConman created by meuluna 13 years ago
Plays: 7
Favorites: 1
Genre: Hiphop
Mood: Running/Wild
Theme: Other
your name i$ HaseoT Pon$or and you are The $licke$T conman alive
your name i$ HaseoT Pon$or and you are The $licke$T conman alive
This is so good... Is in my list already. Ilove the begining.
thx me too
=) this is really awesome sounding. should give it a snazzy name. a anime stylish name.. ?? yah! dance to your heart!
your still better though. Ima beat chu one day!!
=) its great. just keep up the awesome music making!
but what if i really dont wanna win?
lmao thx (dont get addicted like i did).
bleh. it's just a silly battle anyways. it's actually easier to send invites to people to listen to my songs that I want them to hear by just going back through the week or weeks. and challenge them as a invitation to my song! =D pretty clever.. lol anyways! I cant wait for that next techno.. this song is amazing that I'm hearing..
like if i dont wanna win?
what u mean share points? lol this is a really great song! Dance to your heart!
well lol idk it sounds funny. Buts i still have to make you that song so>_> done with my contest song!! btw can i share points that i earn?
love it! GO BLEACHH!!!!
ima try
keep making great songs!
mira :)
thx some more lol
good jobb! haha np :)
thx, yeah!
thanks a ton!!!
really yay
Cool!I,m definitely rooting for you!!!
lol yeah ima done with victory2!
lmao thats why i called it victoryXD
lol thnx and good luck!I hope victory rlly is a VICTORY!!!
im in my songs called victory. Your really good on here!!!!!!!
well i wouldn't enter(i really suck on this ehehe) r u entering???
o ok well i think you still can i think. Its already started though.
no didn't enter any contest
weoo yay my next songs name is victory. Are you in the contest?
I LOVE!!!!
I dont like.....
your elcomes!! you like?
I'm impressed :)
really yay
This is pretty freaking cool! =) love the emotion.
thx man!
i like it! ;)
i posted my song for the contest!
ik how that feels!
lol. reposted my comment to HEY! thats fReAKING cool! I will play it when I get the time to. just busy busy!
a game? 0.o
wanna play a game?
:_: lol
yay thankies!
lol o
Oh wait... nvm i forgot the order of the comments
But for what? lol i said WAH CLAV
lmao idk
thx for wut ._.