First step created by Thegoodlotus 13 years ago

Plays: 13 Favorites: 2
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Animation

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artimani - 12 years ago

...effects you choose are really great for the title and harmony of the song,we hear ancient,rustic and mystic everywhere,great work as usual.Cheers Artimani.

BLiNKS - 12 years ago

Great remix! Very unique mix of instruments. I could get lost in this one, too! :D rate+fave

MusicErona13 - 12 years ago

love it :)

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

thank you MusicErona! OEROE!

NevaNita - 12 years ago

I'm back!!!...LOVELY SOUND!!

Icedragon345 - 12 years ago

Could I remix this for another Time Warp? :D

Icedragon345 - 12 years ago

Sorry I haven't checked your STs but any way... This is great! I like the LIKE A BOSS intro with a sense of Hawaii guitars playing on the beach (That's just how I thought it sounded like). Then the weird xylophone thing came in sounding good for a 'Time Warp' again. The remix isn't going so well. anyway this is a great space scenery type ST if that was your goal. IX!

Abbb123 - 12 years ago

This song sounds really nice!! This song sounds awesome and I love all of the instruments!! Tremendous job!!! :D

Abbb123 - 12 years ago

Hahahaha!!! LOL!!

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

VERY nice to hear Abbbb! (one b to much, but you deserve one more, so you get one from me! LOL! )

Gladsome - 12 years ago

Great Remix, I was Hypergnostic crazy when i search this on google ! LOLOLOLOOREOROEO ! :)

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

I'm glad you did buddy! was it not wonderful? to feel Hypergnotic crazY !! LOL! it's the best way to be my friend! LET'S GET CRAZYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!iiiiii!!!!!!!

luana01 - 12 years ago

very good:)

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

Thank you my nice Belgium Italian Friend! Cheers, OEROE

HEBS - 12 years ago

good job as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

thanks a billion HEBS! OEROE

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