Faith of Heart created by VladRomanov 14 years ago

Plays: 28 Favorites: 1
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Happy/Excited Theme: Other

Something I came up with while (once again) eating a lovely sandwich. Hope you enjoy it.

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mntcrisis - 14 years ago

I do so love your lunchtime musings. A bit short, perhaps; which is, I suppose, just another way of saying I enjoyed it. As ever, I have nothing helpful to offer insofar as constructive crtiticism. Nobody'd listen, anyway. Nor should they to a guy so completely obsessed with disco as am I.

I seem to recall an aversion to sustained drums, or at least to the choices we're given for them, but I just know you could do a rollicking disco dance tune. And I'd sure like to hear it.

mntcrisis - 14 years ago

I'd love to. Post something catchy (and without so many instruments that it won't open in the browser version) and I'll see about adding to it via Remix. You can then do the same. We can keep going until we simply can't stand it any longer or it'll no longer open in a browser. Then we can call it done and promptly delete it. Or post it, I guess.

VladRomanov - 14 years ago

Well, as you are the master of disco :), perhaps you could help me make a disco tune.

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