Nameless Wonder created by Fairlina 18 years ago
I think I'm retarded. No, no fruit name this time, sorry guys (if you were looking foward to it)
And ya, this one would have been something like... RASPBERRY EXPLOSION...or... I don't know =[
Well school is over for us! I'm glad! =D This song was just a short thing I threw together, I was kinda bored.
I had a HUGE song going on, 23 tracks and everything, with special effects and blah. And then, after 3 days of working on it. Musicshake gives me an error everysingle time I want to post it. That makes me incredibily sad. It was Cherry Catastrophe, I hope they'll get the error fixed... it was like the best thing I ever made, I'm sad, but if you reallllly want to hear it (crappy quality and all...)
Well thats that I guess, its pretty bad quality and some stuff are too quiet, it makes me really sad.
Well, here it is, another techno, fast, and super happy song from Fairlina to you! Happy Summer everyone!
Pssst, comment plx.
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