Cherry Catastrophe created by Fairlina 18 years ago

Plays: 32
Favorites: 0
Genre: Dance/Disco
Mood: Running/Wild
Theme: Other
Ha, Reposting, because... I feel like it, and I feel like that 58 hits doesn't do this song justice (not to be stuck up, but this is one of my best pieces ever, and one of my worst pieces ever got like... idk. a lot more than this __) This song is my baby D: and I'd like to share it with evvery one :3, and also I was going to crop parts of this song and put it in a new one but music shake isn't cooperating with my 21++ track song (this one.) soooo oopsies? =D
Other songs by Fairlina see all
Did I just drink a gallon of Vault? No? Well this song makes me really jittery. Alot of energy present throughout this and the fruity blast is enough to keep the listener going. Nice opening that depicts the beginning of a sugary rush and the driving drumline ensures the streamlined coursing of that sweet stuff through the veins. Nice song! Thumbs up!
nice song.. it gets me hyper >:]
but believe it or not, i never tasted tangerines before o.o
weird i know.
sorry, that was err... random >.>
Uhmmm... I like pomegranates too! what about vegetables? "Cauliflower Sunshine!" Hmmm... Nawh... There's nothing wrong with grapes. Grape rape! >D
"IT'S NOT A DRINK POUCH" lol ur weird and funny...I like that
And I liked both of those tracks actually: this song 4 the 'juicy delayed synth' and Lime Attack 4 the attack rhythm u used. but what happens when u run outta citrus fruits to name songs after? Songs w/ grapes or apples or pears in the title dont have the same kinda zing to them...
ok, now I'm startin to sound a bit fruity... = )
haha i love the song^^
i love tangerines tew xD
-Angel <3
Good Job. I love the name of the song!
It's pretty good. Keep it up.