Gatsune theme Soulless Wing created by franznar12 14 years ago

Plays: 278
Favorites: 8
Genre: Ballad
Mood: Warm/Comforting
Theme: Other
Original Character: Gatsune, Soulless Wing
Personality: She's a calm natured half wolf girl.
Likes: Loves to eat meat especially barbeque, Drink milk, and loves to watch full moon.
Dislikes: Far away in her master, Helio..
Brief Story: She's a maid in a evil mansion, then she was save by Helio, after she was saved, Gatsune wants to be with Helio and she will take care him.
Debut: Soulless Wing Chapter 5.
Heheheh Just adverstising for my novel Soulless Wing, Please try to read my novel if your bored
I improve my color skill =D yet I'm not improve of drawing hands >,
Other songs by franznar12 see all
An escalating pleasurable journey of the mind, very well done.
Awesome! :)
Another A.W.E.S.O.M.E song! xD
and I like the picture! ^^
You have talent! ;)
Great song!
Nice! :O
Thank you =D