
Favorite genre

Hiphop, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Classical/New Age

Favorite artists

MoonSparks (inside Joke)

About me

loving making my own music thou i wish i could delete some of my.... not as good songs
also do you honestly expect anyone to buy a song for $20 just so they can sell it ?!?!?! do you guys know it costs $20 just to post a song on iTunes :P no1 is going to pay you 20 for the song and another 20 to post it LOLOLOLOLOL that's $40 for 1 song .. good luck

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monicamohamm - 11 years ago

HI My name is.Monica ,
nice to meet you please

contact me here i have something to Share

with you or you can give me your
mail to contact you please

Jakio - 11 years ago

Voltage 3 of 3.

Hello shakers. this is my final song on Musicshake before i leave.
I'LL TELL YOU WHAT!!!! if you listen to this, i will guranteed to do it to one of your songs before i leave. DEAL? i hope so.
remember to comment or fav to let me know that you took time to click the link,

moonsparks - 12 years ago

PLEASE!!!! STOP posting on my page saying come see this song. you dont eaven complement my music. just advertise others

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

IN A SPLIT SECOND! I created this Ultimate Dancemix, 4 my very good mate / fellow shaker "Kirky" !! He really is a FUN GUY ! and he lives in Croatia, in a town called Split ! So you better start dancing , before the song is A SPLIT SECOND !! OEROE!

Ariyandi - 12 years ago

SOMETHING "DIFFERENT" FROM ARIYANDI, an easy to listening song, told about "MORNIN' COFFEE"

Lightning24 - 12 years ago

When you have time, check out my newest songs:

nonoman123 - 12 years ago

the meaning of love

StarShooter - 12 years ago

Vs. Gym Leader (Gojo region)

Chart listings
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