
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad, Jazz, Latin, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove
Meagan Trainer,Kid Rock,Zack Brown Band,Shawn Mendes,Carrie Underwood,And Most Of All,You Guys
I have a long history... from what I know of, Robert E. Lee to great, great, great, great grandfathers.
Other than that I should tell you all about me...
Literally, all I can tell you is that I'm a boy and a lot of other things like
1. I'm really OCD on grammar/organization
2. I have 3 Xbox's, a lot of TV's (40-55 inch), and a ps4.
3. I love peanuts and or Peanut butter
4. I also love chocolate
5. You can say I'm overweight... but just a little
6. I've been on here for 3 years and cause of new years about to be 4
7. Before I found Musicshake, I searched for 2 years for a good "Song-Making" website
8. I doubt that I'll be famous, But I think gods keep denying that...
9. I love gaming, gaming+music=Life+food, and water (with shelter)...
10. My favorite show is Attack On Titan!
11. My favorite food is chicken... NO! Mr/Mrs.Racist IM NOT BLACK!
12. I'M... Grammar
13. I'm white :>
14. I have 9 siblings (4 boys, 5 girls)
15. Bradley bro and Instruments (Musicshakers) are both my brothers
16. I LOVE! banana flavored things
17. I personally think that the world and technology is coming together too much
(basically saying years from now every human will be a robot)
18. My parents are very nice (where I got the 2 out of 1 Xbox's and the ps4)
19. The Haschak Sisters are really rude to men...
20. I like music from 1970's - 1990's and country music from whenever
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