
Favorite genre
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, Electronic/Techno, Classical/New Age
Favorite artists
Blink182, Girugamesh, Metallica, there's more but too lazy to type them up
About me
I'm a typical heavy-metal fan of an Asian >=D
I love anime, obviously due to the images that are used for my songs, let alone my icon. But anyways, the main point of me being here is I wish to make some new tunes. After a moment or two I was already fiddling around with the mixer and makin' my own stuff like: Technotronics and Fugitive, which I had a lot of fun making. ^_^
But mostly I hope this place/site will help me practice with my mixing skills and I hope that I can get some of my stuff out in the world, spread out my horizons 'ya know?
Songs by YukiNakamura (6) see all
YukiNakamura's favorites (5) see all
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