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Hiphop, Rock/Metal, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Other

Songs by LEnnONX (2) see all
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Alexlaxton - 15 years ago

Thanks for listening to my song man its a big help!

Alexlaxton - 15 years ago

Hey there LEnnONX! Welcome to the MS Community! keep on composing songs and you will get better! Tip: Listen to other people's song and comment on it so people learn about you and give your song(in the future songs) a listen! So if you have time please li

mntcrisis - 15 years ago

Hi, new shaker, and welcome. I hope you’re enjoying your time on Musicshake. Say, we occasionally have contests on here, such as the one I’m in at the moment. It’s called the SilverShab Challenge, and my entry, known as “Don’t Dance,” can be accessed by c