Songs favorited by shadowwolf49

Genre: Other Mood: Etc Theme: Other
This song has been removed by the user
Genre: Ballad Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Other
This song has been removed by the user
ca:r (0:28) by chamchi
Genre: Pop Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Animation
Genre: Rock/Metal Mood: Longing/Anticipating Theme: Other
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Alone/Lonely Theme: Other
Speed (2:03) by songfreak
Genre: Dance/Disco Mood: Etc Theme: Other
SKYWAY (4:16) by angelhouse
Genre: Dance/Disco Mood: Cool/Refreshing Theme: Get Well
This song has been removed by the user
Genre: Other Mood: Dark/Heavy Theme: Game
Genre: Pop Mood: Cool/Refreshing Theme: Remix
Genre: Pop Mood: Longing/Anticipating Theme: Other
This song has been removed by the user