Origins created by karma5 16 years ago

Plays: 174 Favorites: 4
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Etc Theme: Other

It's been a while...

My first song back after taking a year-long break from the Shake from May '09 - May '10.

= )

~~If you liked this song, you may also like:

War Stories series
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Random Acts of Violins

**History of the Song: The title of the song refers to myself as a Shaker, as it reflects my 'instrumental/orchestral' roots when I first started on MS, even having shades of my 'War Stories' series within it. It was also my first time using the 140 tempo, so there was a bit of experimentation involved using the fast tempo with the string/orchestra instruments. I actually had this song lying around in my 'save' list even before I had taken my year-long break, and I figured it'd would make a good song with which to come back.

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Leunour - 14 years ago

Well done handling all those different sounds, chap.

Jolly good song!

omnicowdemon - 14 years ago

Holy crap this song blows my mind away! XD Phenomenal!

musicgirlz12 - 14 years ago

This song is awesome! xD like seriously!

brandonj1914 - 14 years ago


harvey79 - 15 years ago

great song, fun to listen to it. i like the variety of instruments.

silverhok77 - 15 years ago


brandonj1914 - 14 years ago

ha thats what i said

Link12 - 15 years ago

Well thats Kenta for you.<br />

bearhammer - 16 years ago

Some of my favorite instruments are here: Hard Lead in Anger, Marvelous Synth, and Piggy Bank. Once again, a beautiful song.

DarkEinsatz - 16 years ago

I like the music and great beatz

musicshake1 - 16 years ago

Some crazy beats...amazing you were able to use 59 instruments and make it sound so seamless..

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