hamtoro created by pandaking 16 years ago

Plays: 29 Favorites: 0
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Happy/Excited Theme: Other

i know its nothing like hamtaro XD.I hope you like and please comment you dont have to fave rate but ill be very happy if you wouled but also please comment couse i loveto see what you guys want me to improve, thank's bye!

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pandaking - 16 years ago

thanks for info did you find the second drum kinda stupid to put in

bearhammer - 16 years ago

Since you're looking for constructive criticism I'll say that Frequency Bass, Brave Saw Lead and R U Ready? are techno mainstays here, meaning lots of people have used them. Just try a whole bunch of new sounds for your next songs. Most shakers don't have to time to listen to everything, so it can be hard to get noticed. Being as creative as possible really helps. Good song though, I liked the intro.