Epilogue (In Memoriam - IV) created by karma5 18 years ago

Part IV: Epilogue (In Memoriam)
An epilogue to my trilogy about war...
Part I: A Future Unknown
Part II: An Uncertain Hope
Part III: A Bittersweet End
**History of the Song: Inspired by Aaron Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man," I wanted to make a song that would be a nice send-off for the series of songs that I eventually called 'War Stories.' I tried to put in a certain amount of respect in the song, making it emotional without glorifying the reality of war as the song progressed with the slow build up. It is purposefully very different from the other songs in the series, but it still feels connected to the others by the mood it creates. Plus, the 'urgent string' pizzicato was put in as a nice throwback to 'A Future Unknown.' Creating it was difficult at first (and as far as I know, very few people at the time arranged an orchestra song like this). I had to bring in certain brass instruments in the right order at the beginning of the song or else it flowed unnaturally. But once I had that down, things flowed from there. My favorite part overall is the trumpet variations, and (like moments in some of my other songs) the end where the instruments suddenly stop and the sole trumpet comes in was completely by (happy) accident. But it definitely ended the song in a memorable way with an emotional impact.**
Hey Db....glad u understood what I was goin for....it's the finale on my series about war (I-IV) actually, so it has a different sound to it, but still is connected to that series. A lot of work and effort went into making this song sound the way it does, so I appreciate ur response. And I'll check that band out! Thanks, again
the new memorial day song.. it reminded me of the battle scenes you see and stuff you know? thats seriously what it made me think of. beautifully sad and encouraging. how did you come up with it? P.S. listen to M.I.A. by avenged sevenfold. same subject and awesome band. peace
Yeah, Shin...I wanted variety in my music 4 two reasons: (1) I think variety is a good thing, and (2) I tend to get bored by doing the same stuff over and over, and/or scared that I may bore the people who listen if I dont mix it up now and then. And yeaaa!...I'm unique lol Thanks again = )
I like how you cover different genres. Even though they're different in terms of tempo and style, your songs still carry your uniqueness to them.
Thanks jazztptman . . . and I love 'Fanfare' -- its one of those songs that just get to me every time = )
wow, nice work karma! I just played "Fanfare For the Common Man" at a concert - and I hear the influences in this piece. Great job! Keep up the good work! 5/5
Wow, heyyo ... thanks for the compliments! The fact that this track is instrumental and still hanging in there on the list is pretty cool actually. And I'll pass some Kleenex along if you need some = )
What the!...Well... about 1 week ago i thought you was someone who was just making songs like me to post them..Well after this one and Running on empty! relize that it worth watching your songs..This should be on top 10.Great job man it makes me want to cry lol
Accented every instrument . . . check. Sounds so clean . . . check. Compliment from Shadow . . . priceless!!! This is definitely what I was looking for. Thanks, Mr. Century = )
Songs that really stick out on here are the ones that it is hard to believe that they were made with a program like musicshake and not a composer and an orchestra. This is definitely one of those. You accented every instrument with another which was amazing. For one, its amazing that you created a song like this in this genre since most people on here focus on electronica and rock. Also, its amazing that it sounds so clean. Wonderful again man. I'm gonna have to keep my eye one you!