What life becomes. created by darklordx 16 years ago
Plays: 103
Favorites: 0
Genre: R&B
Mood: Etc
Theme: Other
This song is my best peice yet. I made it for my mom who is living in the netherlands right now and i hope she comes back safely.
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I kinda like 'Nutcracker Tranced Out' a bit more cuz it was faster, but this was alright too. I guess 'Tranced' was more like last-minute xmas shopping and this is like when u relax after a good xmas dinner lol
= )
Niice...i like it. =] Thnx for the comment btw...lol...my gf requested a song so i made one for her lol..=3
I enjoyed this a lot, I did. It's got a good, laid-back feel to it that somehow fits something like Christmas Eve. You know what I'm sayin'? Yarly.
I like it. Very happy and cool. nice flow too. nice. can't wait for the others comin up for you. l8r.