Canonization created by karma5 17 years ago

Battle of the Shakers contest from a short while ago kinda inspired me to do this. I just wanted to see if I could take a bit of "Pachelbel's Canon" and mix it with my own instrumental style. Enjoy!
**History of the Song: As I said above, this was a take-off of the Shaker contest involving Pachelbel's "Canon." The title was also a play off of that song, canonization being a person who is arisen into sainthood. And that's the theme of the song I tried to create overall, a moment of spiritual glorification and celebration. It's very big, loud and over-produced like I tend to be with instrumental/orchestra songs. But I accomplished what I had in mind, keeping the mood of the song very grand and "up high" where I wanted it to be, with a somewhat decent build up near the end.**
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