Lock's Drop V2 created by lock_on 17 years ago
This is the second song of the "Lock's Drop" collection. If you have already listened before visiting this page, then you might have noticed the song wasn't as organized as most my other songs, as a matter a fact, this was a remake, for the original was lost, due to 'MusicShake', not responding, and about 30 tracks were lost and forgotten, however, I was able to think of a way to keep my idea fresh in mind and remake the song. Yes it sucks despise my efforts still, "but its a worth listening to". I am not good at remaking tracks, and would rather do it once or never again, but the first track was almost complete and was so AMAZING! That I just had to follow the idea and hoped that it would all fall back in place. This might not be the perfect vision I had, but its on the border line...I'll say.Please, if you have any songs you would like me to listen to, please comment and tell me them, they might be of great help! I will check them, comment and rate.Please enter Comments, let us know if you enjoyed this song.Ratings: 7.0 (Not the Real Song, darn it!)Tracks: Around 15 (I refuse to check, I am crushed at the loss of tracks)Length: 4:20 (The real song was Longer than this, oh my god!)
thanks guys, my song made it to the top 50, and another track made it to the top HOT list.
I'll surely look into your comments and get rid of, and also add those things you guys like/dislike, count on that. Keep the comments coming.
Great intro but something sounds as if if needed a little more but still the track is great. :)
this track is alright, i like the sounds and jingles to it
Well as I said, I wasn't really in the mood to make it, but thought I would just go along with what I had. Thanks for comments.
Not really feeling it . . I mean, it okay and everything, but . . i dunno . . It is pretty good though
Yes it was better than this...The original had more of a feel to it, and more organized, it would blow this crappy song off the platter...(>_<)
Thanks for your comments, maybe I'll have better luck on the next album release. This time I'll add 5 versions instead of 3, a little bit more fun don't you think?
Anyways, thanks.
Heey again, come one lock... it's not bad at all. Must say you think very differently then us XD
Because I actually liked this song better then the first part of this collection. So I am guessing, How good was it with all tracks? That would have been amazing. Because the concept idea was good. So don''t be too negatif about this, you still did a good job. On too part 3
rate hmmm 8.2/10 thumbs up
Thanks again, still wish I had what it takes to finish it. But I guess its a good remake.
Lol Nice. This is the type of song i would here in a flash game. sounds nice. Great mix of instruments 4/5
Ya well, I'm still unhappy over the loss of the rest of my ideas, and instruments. Maybe they'll come back to me someday, but thanks for the comment.