Revival Pt. 2 created by karma5 17 years ago

This is the 2nd and last part of my experimental tunes that include bits and pieces from some of my older songs, blended together with some new sounds, for this "Revival" to make a semi-original song. And this one gets kinda loud at the end because...well...I'm crazy.
It includes:
Into the Depths
Back and Forth
Goin' Back and Forth Again
Running On Empty
Thank You for are now free to move about the cabin!
**Note: free peanuts and/or complimentary drinks not included**
= )
**History of the Song: I pretty much covered the foundation of the 'Revival' idea in part one. When going into the creation of this one, I knew three things: 'Ominous' was going to be part of the middle, the 'Back and Forth' series was gonna be the 'base' to hold everything together, and I wanted to have a go at the sounds from 'Into the Depths' again. So, this one was created more easily than 'Revival I' because this was a bit more planned out. And it helped that there were less songs to incorporate compared to the first. I remember that it took me a while to figure out the best way to blend in the fast rhythm piano from 'ItD' but finally decided to do a double instrument tone variation and it seemed to work for the most part. I really liked how the 'Running On Empty' synth sounded in here, especially when it transitioned into 'Ominous' in the middle. And the end was done on purpose because...well...I AM a little crazy sometimes; that's the only way to explain certain things I do!**
Well done handling all those different sounds, chap.
Jolly good song!
Holy crap this song blows my mind away! XD Phenomenal!
This song is awesome! xD like seriously!
great song, fun to listen to it. i like the variety of instruments.
ha thats what i said
Well thats Kenta for you.<br />
Some of my favorite instruments are here: Hard Lead in Anger, Marvelous Synth, and Piggy Bank. Once again, a beautiful song.
I like the music and great beatz
Some crazy beats...amazing you were able to use 59 instruments and make it sound so seamless..