I Hungor Not to Witness Thy Tear Fall created by VictoriaLala 8 years ago

Plays: 17
Favorites: 0
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Longing/Anticipating
Theme: Animation
A married couple once lived happily every after, but their time together came to an end. The Wife left her Husband on this Earth the same day their vows escaped their lips 50 years ago. The intro isn't replicating a boring wedding in the church, but rather a gloomy type of gathering that too reaps its portion of tears. But those tears are far from tears of joy.
The woman entering and crying is their daughter. She sounds too young to be old, right? I guess you could say the woman singing is the Wife's voice when she was younger.
P.S. please let me know what you think!
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