An Ode to the Mute created by JootTheNoot 9 years ago

Plays: 17 Favorites: 0
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Running/Wild Theme: Animation

Be wary that this story and the characters belong to ME. If anyone steals them, I will NOT hesitate to take legal action. They are MY characters. Feel free to draw them or whatever, just CREDIT ME. Go onto my DeviantArt for who designed them!
First, there was fury.
Then, there was mercy.
Finally, there was clairvoyance.

Early 1600s. Man was doing swimmingly. But there was one thing wrong... the nature. They cut the trees, murdered the animals. So the spirits of the fallen combined their mighty power to create a beast to protect them, to sing for those without a voice: this creature became known to man as Gates of Hell.

He murdered any human who wrongfully killed nature. He wasn't stupid, he knew killing for food and shelter, that was life. But killing for sport? That was a sin.

Early 2000s. Gates had completed his job. Yet... he was still there...
perhaps his job wasn't to stop humans.... but to destroy them... completely?

Things were not supposed to go this way.
Nature used it's final breaths of power to create a second beast: Song of Euphoria. His job? To stop Gates of Hell's rampage upon the human race.

Now Gates, he could die. When he was killed, he possessed the nearest living creature until it died. Then, he would be released again.
But Song of Euphoria? Oh, no. Plant life, that sucked up his pain and blood. He was immortal.

Song was strong. But not strong enough.
Gates of Hell released the human souls he had spent so long gathering. All that space... just enough room for a soul just like his....

A final stand. Nature had nothing else but a drop of power.
Thus, a final demon was created.
Overgrowth of Wrath.

He was not strong. But he could think. He thought, he felt emotions.
Gates only felt rage. Song only felt pity. Overgrowth, he felt happiness, sadness, guilt, fury, he felt everything. He thought for himself, he did not have the single flaw the other two had.

Was he powerful enough?
Was he?

Hm, perhaps his fight is a story for another time.


ok so like
the guitar is Gates of Hell
the bells are Song of Euphoria
and the horns are Overgrowth of Wrath

you can see what they look like here!

congrats you got a free essay with the song

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