Elijah created by BlueMuffins 9 years ago

Plays: 5 Favorites: 0
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Running/Wild Theme: Animation

This is Elijah! Also known as Eli. Elijah is very small for his age, which is about 3 years old. He looks like he could be about 9 months! His mother dis-owned him at birth, so a lady took care of him until he didn't need to nurse anymore. He is very adventurous and fast, he loves the outdoors. He can be a grump sometimes if he wasn't been outside in awhile, but he is a HUGE cuddle bug. He loves so be held like a baby, and STILL tries to nurse on things. He acts like hes tough outdoors, but when he is in the company of me and my family, he is a little baby!

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