Story Land Remix created by dorisik 10 years ago

Plays: 29 Favorites: 1
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Etc Theme: Remix

This is my remix for this song. I've kind of turned it into an oriental beat, but I also tried to keep as close to the original as possible, without losing its essence. Turn up the volume a bit for the best effect. I hope you like it babymario321 ^.^

Remixed from Story Land by babymario321
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Animation
Other remixes on this song
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Aerocaeli - 13 years ago

Oh awesome!! I legit feel like I'm at sea hahah great piece!!(:

CaptainFlint - 13 years ago

Thank you, Aero!

Radi - 13 years ago

Very nice, keep up the good work mate!

CaptainFlint - 13 years ago

Thank you, Radi!

Sethroth - 13 years ago

Excellent Work!

CaptainFlint - 13 years ago

Thank you, Sethroth!

bluFox - 13 years ago

neat, good work!

CaptainFlint - 13 years ago

Thank you, Foxy!

IDragon76 - 14 years ago

Great Song Captain :)

IDragon76 - 14 years ago

Maybe lol XD

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

Thank you, IDragon! And welcome to Pirate World :D. I see you got some pirate attribute too!

ImSoRawr - 14 years ago

Ah, Captain, this song makes me homesick :(.

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

Are you moved from Oxford?

ImSoRawr - 14 years ago

Ah I see... then it's to the sea I go! :D

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

your home is the sea, that's why!

DJ Yubikiri - 14 years ago

Since I was so impressed by your last song, I decided to check this one out too! And your works seriously blow me out of the water. I am seriously hoping to see you on MS for a long time!

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

Sure, I'll try, Yubi !

DJ Yubikiri - 14 years ago

Aha, the amazing things that timidness does to the human body. :P But I urge you though, try it out! While you still dabble in guitar and keyboard. And you might get some really good feedback, you never know! People always have opinions. :P Don't regret your instrumental talent like I did! All I'm left with now is picking out what I like to hear, lol.

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

I think that you are greatly underestimate their abilities and I'm, just like you, have not found my balls to put something on YouTube yet.

DJ Yubikiri - 14 years ago

I wish! I have lost touch with being instrumentally talented so there really isn't anything for me to put a video for. I used to play piano and violin and used to do a lot of choir stuff, but that's long gone now. And I don't really have the balls (or ovaries in my case) to post something on youtube. From what I know, I think it is possible to make vids from MS songs? I know that I've seen them around before, I just don't know how one would go about it.

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

It is a beautiful thing! Did you try yet to put some of your songs out there?

DJ Yubikiri - 14 years ago

Isn't music a beautiful thing? xD It would be wonderful to showcase your talent. A lot of people put it out on youtube on a whim and a lot of people turn out pretty well known. If you get enough viewers, you can get paid through youtube, from my understanding.

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

Yes you right about that, Yubi! I'm not really sure what it's gonna be, but this site giving me some wings. I always been in love with music, I have played guitar and keyboard a little, but never had much listeners. And I really happy someone is listening to my music and I have some feedback, I can see what wrong and what right. Maybe I'll post some of my songs on YouTube too, I not really sure how to start yet, don't know how to post video on it, but will figure it out later

DJ Yubikiri - 14 years ago

Ah, I see! So are you looking to go into the music industry as a professional occupation? And let me just say, don't be afraid of music itself. If you want to experiment with different genres, go ahead. If it doesn't work out, that's fine too, but at least you broaden your horizons. To put it in perspective, you're a scientist for the ears. ;D

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

witch is free of any royalty. I have bought the domain name too, and thinking to create the web site by that name soon.

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

I started my DancingBear account 9 months ago, in august 2011, and started with mostly acoustical things, like classic and ballads, some rock too, but when I tried techno, witch I was not familiar with, I just been afraid to put it on my main account, so I just decided ton make new account for techno: FoxHunter. And just 3 weeks ago decided to make new account CaptainFlint, cause all my previous names has been already taken in musical world, and I find only one name CaptainFlint witch is

DJ Yubikiri - 14 years ago

Oho... Multiple accounts means serious business, huh... xD No rush on the songs, really. I'm not looking for getting a lot of hits, lol. Favorites, however, would be awesome because that just means I'm doing something right, I think? :D How long have you been on MS?

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

Thank you, Yubi! I really glad you like my songs! Nice to meat you! I actually been here a little longer, then this account exist. I got two more accounts FoxHunter and DancingBear you may check as well, :D Will check your song a beat later too!

Ladyturntable - 14 years ago

cool songie!!! downloading now!!!

Ladyturntable - 14 years ago

yup! its that good! :)

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

Thank you, Ladyturntable! Downloading! It's saying some for me!

XaliXbabezX - 14 years ago

arrrrrgggghhh, nice one

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

Thank you, XaliXbabezX!

LadyMinerva - 14 years ago

Ahoy Matey! :) A nice song you have here, I love it! <3
I know it has been a while, but welcome to MusicShake!

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

Thank you, LadyMinerva!

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