Saved by the Bell (Castaway) created by notNick 11 years ago
Plays: 10
Favorites: 0
Genre: Rock/Metal
Mood: Passionate/Hot
Theme: Other
6th song to my final album "Castaway".
Other songs by notNick see all
Upbeat and exciting all the way! Great Job!
I was thinking about what to do myself...
Another song here, yes sir!
me too! I really think this is the best
I seriously love this song!
thanks comet
a future number 1!
keep experimenting friend!
it's all good enough haha. I do the best I can, then I'm happy
i fricin LLLLOOOOVVVEEEEE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thhaaaaannnkkk yyooouuuuu
the organ made me happy ^^. A great tune for a new adventure! How are things Carp?
doin great! how u been
Very happy song! This is really cool, GoldenCarp! Keep experimenting, friend. :D
thanks blinks
Great song c;
thank you c': and nice name c:
and happy belated birday
but my name's Aaron in real life
YUP ^0 NICE TO MEET adryanna cx
ok now we've come full circle C=
hehe, thank you ;)
you're sweet !-D
woah thanks ;-)
i don't know what the f*** you have done, but you did it wonderfully!!!
nice song pal!!!!!!!
oh i see. this is actually one with less instruments for me
i mean that i was amazed, although at first, when i saw too much Instruments i expected to be a bit confusing.....
well, it wasn't!!!
what don't you know?
-and thanks
fantastic, it is wonderful. great Instruments!!
thank you
Me gusto!!
everything blends nicely, pretty funky tune. 5 stars great job
thanks cole =)