The Dreams of A Little Boy created by ShidoSakai 11 years ago

Plays: 16 Favorites: 1
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Animation

Hope you enjoy the Violin song thingy. It's just all violin, but it contains emotional feelings with a little angry inside.

See how you feel when you listen to this song. :)

To me, I feel like I'm flying into the wild wind in the free sky. . .


In September, 1874

I am a boy full of happiness, and joy. I like to make things not much people would do. Everyday in school, I'd be beaten up, or got in trouble for no meaningful reasons. But, I never really let that get in the way. Now, I'm trying, trying my hardest to accomplish something. That something is always what I dreamed to have. A new world full of machine that have feelings towards me, and everyone.

My mom said I should live normal, and my dad said I should go get my college degree. But, I can't, I just can't. My family are blind, they're blind because I have no feelings towards no one. Will, that might not be the complete reason, but I always have feelings towards someone. It could be girl perhaps, but she don't matter now.

I don't need anyone right now, all I need and want is a friend to help my carry my feelings. . . A machine, a live machine in my life. No one has ever thought of an old machine friend. But I have, always. Ever since that day I found out how to build things. In my room, secretly, I build something, but always seemed to failed.

You know what they say, "Never give up." So I wont, I still have my future with me. Besides, no one would ever cares about me anyways. I don't need friends that treat me like a pet, or a kid.

"Hmm, if I think about it, I might want to call my new friend here, Friendly."

Ever since I became a teenager, everyone seemed to think of me as a fake person who just wondered around the school building. They sometimes threat me in the boys bathroom, with some toilet papers wrapped around my neck. I don't know what to do, I don't need to do it actually.

Whatever it is, it needs to be stop. . . But how can I? I'm just. . . I'm just so useless! I don't want to feel like this, I want to be happy, and I want to enjoy my life without fear in the way. Maybe, I should wrap my neck with a rope, and then jump down. No, no, that's too painful.

Mommy, and daddy doesn't know anything about this. . . I guess it's best if I don't bother them. My little sis is going to high school soon. . . How am I going to be a perfect model for her? I don't even know how to protect myself form bullies. Now, all I just want to do is lay on my bed, and close my eyes. I want to sleep forever, and never wake up.

Before I even go to college, I was almost done with my machine. She look so perfect with cloths on, at least some hair too. But, the machine wont work. . . Why wont you work! Move! Do something! Just do something!

"I can't be perfect. . . . I can't. . . . "

Is this how it's going to end? . . . . My best hard working project. . . . That's right, it doesn't have a heart. . . . A heart. . .

I want to be alone. . . . Without no one. . . . *sob*


Short story from ShidoSakai

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