THE LEADING EDGE created by oeroe2911 12 years ago

Plays: 142
Favorites: 16
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Running/Wild
Theme: Other
This song is about the Leading Edge. the leading edge may refer to the part of an aerofoil or wing which leads in movement through the air, or to the State of the art, the highest level of development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field . I hope you will enjoy ` THE LEADING EDGE` ;#""# OEROE!
~~~~THE LEADING EDGE~~~~~~~))))))))))
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Cool !!
This song is "STATE OF THE ART" developed by OEROE!!! LOL!! Amazing song man!!!! This is so cool and the use of synthesis is really crazy!!!! A most amazing and wonderful work here!!!! By the way, whats become of BANTHA? I haven't heard from Bantha in a long while and was wondering if you knew anything on his whereabouts?!?!
it's not private, i was doing ms weekends on my station. the link is on my profile. if i continue the weekend thing, i can add ur music as well.
Well then...that clears things up! And no need for the apologies. i suspect it was just a misinterpretation. By the way KAY, whats your station or is that confidential??
So sry for doing this but, Oeroe, When did I tell you that he was working with me on my station? I don't recall telling you that. He did however give a shout-out on my radio.
WOW!!! Ok well i hope thats going well!! Thanks for letting me know Oeroe!!!
Thanks a lot bro!! very awesome and uplifting comment man! It was a very awesome journey in to sound indead! It's really great fun to find a certain path in this wilderness called "music" And I love to blend all these rhythm's together! About Bantha I only know that I had a conversation with him on my facebook, a couple of months ago, and I didn't see him after that time, but I heard from KayKreates that he was working with her on Kay's new radio program, where she plays music created by shakers
Nice beat my DutchMaster!! Listen first, read later LoL!!
I LOOOVE THE AEROFOIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the opposite, heheh... IT JUST GLIDES - i mean GLIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiIIIIIDEeZZZZZZzzZZZzz!!!!!!!!!!!!-)))))))))))))))))) ... i c a twist, & it's AWESOME!!!!!!!! oh, man, FLADDADNRDAADRRR!!!!...rr...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-)))))))))))))))) LOOOOOOOOOVEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-))))))))))))))))))))
O-HOOOOO!!!! i'm fine, & u my bro-BRO???-)))) YES I DID!!!!! & this IZZZZZ. MOS DEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..........some ideas, maybe
yeah, yeah, yeah!!!!!-))))))
HAHA Captain GLiiiiIIIIIiiiiiiIIIIIIIIiiiiiIIIIIIiiiideeeeeEEEEEEEEZZZzzzzZZZzzzZZZZzz!!! How are you 2 day brother?? I see you really Liked this Musical OerOeTriP!! It was an Awesome nice job , this one! I should try to do some more research into this Leading Edge...don;t you think Kirkman??
thanX nono!! OEROE
good epic
great julian! thanks buddY! OEROE!
Trippy song dood!!!!!
Thanks HEBS!! Glad you liked my little TRiP!! OEROE!
Amazing as always...! 5 ♪ ♫ ♫ ♬ ♬
Hi coco! good to see you're back at the 'shakers heaven' thanks 4 the comment! OEROE!