BAD ASS REMIX created by oeroe2911 12 years ago

Plays: 264
Favorites: 19
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Running/Wild
Theme: Remix
this song is a remix of the song Grave Yard, created 4 years ago by fellow shaker HibikiMagic. HibikiMagic challanged me with the original song, and after I had listened to her song, I thought it was a really nice song, and I decided to give it a more BadAss sound, by remixing the song! I hope you all will like it as much as I did! Enjoy!
Remixed from GraveYard by HibikiMagic
Other songs by oeroe2911 see all
great job my friend..
cant get enuf of this song. deffinitley one of ur best
deffinitley ur best week of ms yet. favorited all ur songs with this account because they are all so good
That's really good to hear Cole! feel free to listen as much as you like buddy!! LOL! And I will make a couple of new ones in the same style, special 4 U my friend!
now this is the shit
good work and nice re-mix.
Yeaah amazing job my Re-Mixmaster LoL!! you're right, the song is deserve to remixing... really unique sound. See you my master :D
i can c why u wanna remix HibikiMagic's GraveYard!!!!! & u did it like a BADD MF!!!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!! .... RUUUUUN!!!!!!!....... AIM 4 THE HEAD!!!!!!! OH, NOOOO!!!!!! FELL INTO A GRAVE - HAITI ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!!-))))))
The beat is good, nice bass you added. Well done oeroe =)
U2...LOL! thanks! )OEROE
good song
thanks buddy OEROE
This song is a total badass! Keep up the great work!
thanks a lot! will do, OEROE