why I born in this age! xD beautiful music... omg i forget apologize for my english... sorry for that jejej my english is not good at all... I'm happy to meet someone who appreciates this type of music
the moonlight sonata is A W E S O M E!!! do you heard the pathetique?? by beethoven? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq4G3KRAuXc the exciting moment 1:40 but the entire piece is great!!!!
This is awesome. I'd never thought I'd meet someone on here who's heard stuff like this lol. :) If you like piano music, I suggest this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=352qLWqKN-U
reminds me of the song of the zoras in zelda!!! Well done! Thanks for being inspiring for classical music again!!!
Again, wonderful.
Was this perhaps inspired by Mozart's Requiem Lacrimosa? :)
Okay. I'll get back to you in half a year or so. Lol! xP
jajaja don't worry just let me know when you have the song
How long are you willing to wait? I can take forever making a song! xD Usually, the longer I work on it, the better it sounds....
I used to say the same! and every song take me a week for finish! xD but you can make it!!! i'm sure! i need heard another strings song by you!!!
I think it'll be hard to make another one sound interesting...I used most of the good-sounding ones already. xP
whaaaat??? no vas hacer mas musica con cuerdas??? pliz pliz pliz pliz pliz do more music with strings!!!
Yo no iba a hacer más música de cuerda después Vitacca, pero creo que voy a hacerte una dedicatoria. xD
¿Y si nos acabamos de hablar en otras lenguas y utilizamos google? Lol! francés: Savez-vous ce que cela dit?
jajjaja i'm agree!! pienso lo mismo! xD
Lol! Creo que ambos estamos usando google translate!
ajjajaja xD i think i speak the english in the same way as you in spanish! jajaja xD
Yo oí tocar el violoncelo? Lol. I don't know any Spanish, but google is pretty useful.
spanish, but google helps me with words I do not know although not always accurate
No need to apologize, I think your English is great. What's your first language?
why I born in this age! xD beautiful music... omg i forget apologize for my english... sorry for that jejej my english is not good at all... I'm happy to meet someone who appreciates this type of music
I have! :D It's a very great song, have you heard the third movement? It's called Pathetique Rondo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJpSqC86vaw
the moonlight sonata is A W E S O M E!!! do you heard the pathetique?? by beethoven? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq4G3KRAuXc the exciting moment 1:40 but the entire piece is great!!!!
This is awesome. I'd never thought I'd meet someone on here who's heard stuff like this lol. :) If you like piano music, I suggest this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=352qLWqKN-U
omg that song is a masterpiece too the same with dies irae omg i don't know how mozart do that!! I've never been so close to death as those songs
I really like it too. :) Have you heard Kyrie Eleison?
ajajaj yes even in quartet version that song is stuck in my head since childhood I love it!
Awesome! :) Have you heard the choral or piano version?
yes! ejeje I try to make something like that
Pretty solid piece of work
= )
thank you!!!, you always have a nice coment!