Too Easy created by moose1848 13 years ago

Plays: 38 Favorites: 0
Genre: Hiphop Mood: Happy/Excited Theme: Thanksgiving

It's been four years... decided to make another beat.. checkout my real beats at melonhead1848 on youtube

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ProjectX - 12 years ago

I love the soothing strings of this song and how it has a nice beat to it!! Wonderful song, i really liked it and enjoyed the sad feeling of it, even though it wasn't meant to be a sad song!!!^^ Lol GREAT SONG!!!

ERELLA - 12 years ago

Thankss so muchh ,glad u like it ,my friend !:)

galiano0149 - 12 years ago


ERELLA - 12 years ago


DJSilver - 12 years ago

good job! faved ;)

ERELLA - 12 years ago

Thankyou very much !:)

ERELLA - 12 years ago

Glad you like it :) Thankss soo much !:)

Chris638 - 12 years ago

your songs gets better at the time,this is not bad,i like it really :-)