infectious created by m1553lh4dj 13 years ago

Plays: 17 Favorites: 2
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Running/Wild Theme: Animation

let me know what you think. please rate, enjoy! :)

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Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Very cool song............nice one and well done

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

Hi DJ with many numbers! It sounds like it is coing to be a very nice mix...but it stops at the end of the intro...There are enough possibilities on musicshake to go on for a year, if you wanted ...LOL I understand you first need to find out where to go, just came here..BUT
my advice is to klik on the small remix triangle on the picture of the song, and give it al you got!! I know you can make this song a succes!
grtz. oeroe.

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