Ekrail: Ascend created by Vena 12 years ago

Plays: 43 Favorites: 3
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Cool/Refreshing Theme: Game

Not that he'll ever Ascend to God Tier, but you know. Just in case.

Song Notes:

[At the beginning he's laying on his quest bed just sort of quietly contemplating things he's killed right about when the flute starts the oboe bit after is when he starts to ascend the bit right before the drums is him fully awakening. The part with the drums he's sort of zooming around messing with his more fully realized breath powers and when it calms at the end he lands and is just sort of reflective of the whole situation (which doesn't last long essentially right after he just goes back to normal).]

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Aug 06 2012
Mar 12 2018
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