I want a lady created by dewill5 18 years ago
Plays: 33
Favorites: 0
Genre: Hiphop
Mood: Love/Romantic
Theme: Other
Second Trackk!!!! of my new albummm~!!!! called Love HIP-HOP! hope you like it~the first track is called "Love,Pain,Sorrow"
Other songs by dewill5 see all
hey dewill...um...I just saw the comment u left on Griever's audition song. I appreciate the loyalty, but I never
entered the Audtion contest to begin with, so ur comment to him wasnt really necessary. I just wanted to clear
that up so u know...
btw, I just posted my last 2 songs 4 now cuz I'm taking a break from MS for a bit, so i just wanted to say thanx 4 listening and its been fun getting to know u. keep on Shaking, dewill
= ) is fading to black...
This is a good remixed song. Its great to listen to. I'll tel you dis but its better them mine. :P Very Nicely Done!