Thats what i call ehm.. classical? created by heyyo 18 years ago
Plays: 46
Favorites: 0
Genre: Other
Mood: Sad/Melancholic
Theme: Other
HOLY COW!!! ---------4/5/08
This day i was so bored... and i decided to make a song.. but.. i relized that i was bored to do a song aswell.. sooo i decided to make a song that was going to be builded with that bars to look lice a man.. so i put that orange bars and i draw a man in musicshake.. And this #@#@ poped out!..............................
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heyya, heyyo! btw, I finally got another new instrumental of my own out called "Forgotten" if u feel like listening to it - I want to inspire others to start Shaking again. let me know what u think...I always appreciate ur feedback. Thanks!
March On. Be Heard. Be Recognized. = )
Heyyo! Nice to see u back....and for a song that u made while bored, it turned out to be pretty good actually lol And thanx 4 the comments on "Addicted" -- that song was made as a tribute to MusicShake and that list of Shakers were those that I've gotten to know here on MS, and ur one of those people so I included u too! It's been crazy around here since this Audition contest started tho...bunch of new people = /
btw, idk if ur into rock, but my most recent song Half Past Anger was my first try at it. I'd like ur opinion on it if u get a chance to listen. Later, heyyo = )
hehe. very soothing =]
it sounds really good