
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove
ArtemisAge ,Andrew Dennis Biersack,and 1D
Hi,my name is Cristina...I absolutely love music, singing ,playing piano,etc.my mom says it probably because when I was in her belly she used to listen to music with me!^I try to get into conversation and fights to try to solve them but that ends up getting me in a lot trouble. :p so u can say I'm kinda nosy!
sorry this is awkward ,my fave instrument is the piano and my voice.My fave bands are black veil brides and one direction.I know they don't have anything in common but I still love'em both!
well,bye enough of this cuz I think I might be scaring you lol. by the way I don't think I will be posting songs daily or frecuently but I will try,because since school is about to start it'll be hard to find time.
~Their Smile Is Still Around~
Collab with CookieCake01!!!! Hope You Enjoy...tugs tugs tugzzz...
New Song
- Summer Shore-
Go ahead and turn on the Light! http://eng.musicshake.com/song/245836
Give My Disinfigured Heartache a hello! http://eng.musicshake.com/song/245600
Allow my new song, Resonance, to touch your heart and send you into happiness!
Do you want to listen a love song or a beautiful magic music ? Then check this songs , you will don't regret , I hope you like it !! ♥☺
http://eng.musicshake.com/song/244965 : Magical fairy world
http://eng.musicshake.com/song/244963 : Warm caress
Thanks ^^ ☼
Listen to this song and Save Yourself! http://eng.musicshake.com/song/244810 A new song I made, I hope you like it! :D
http://eng.musicshake.com/song/243978 "Light VS Dark" My contest entry song is in!Please listen, you won't regret it!Feedback is appreciated! ^w^
Hallo ^-^ Any time on your hands? Don't be shy to listen to A Midnight Fantasia[My contest entry :3] http://eng.musicshake.com/song/244007 Advice/Feedback is greatly appreciated!