cinderella's carousel of Love! created by xxcristinaxx 12 years ago

Plays: 3 Favorites: 2
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Animation

Yay! this song was inspired by the anime "Eden Of The East" I you like anime drams and stuff like that then you should definitely watch it! it is one of my favorites but I cried all my tears out! ME: T T

*sniffles* hehe sorry about that! ^ ^ The story that I had in mind while doing this was 2 childhood friends going on a carnival but could it be that they have feelings for each other and become more than "FRIEND"? This song is just CUTE! , HAPPY! ,and it just has a Bright mood that makes you wanna smile! :D I really hope you guys like this! This song was dedicated to my best friend.Though I don't have feelings for her cuz she is a GIRL no offence to Bri but she is kind of dumb u ask her what is 2 2 and she says "WHAT?" u ask again and she says "WHAT 2 2 IS!" lol but she is super nice and is always there when you need her plus I made this song playful because she is as playful as a cute,adorable puppy! hehe c:

well enjoy this song and love Brianna M. she is wonderful just like you! and also Bri reminds me of Cinderella somehow.

ok now it is really Bye!

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PIXIO - 10 years ago


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