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eric nally, seven circle sunrise, & me.

About me

I am an old fart of sorts here. say whatever you want on my profile, just DONT POST YOUR SONGS. it gets on my nerves, and i will simply ignore them. anyways, have fun!

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mudorios - 10 years ago

apparently people just dont care when I say not to post songs here...

CCCat - 10 years ago
"The TechnoMatic" - here is my 3# song of what rosypony1 is calling "Music Week".
This is a remix of a wild OEROE techno song called "the WeirdoMatic". I hope you like it!

fording - 10 years ago
"Can't Let Go"
I tried to give this remix the same angst and longing of CyberDragonX's original tune, with some embellishments that I hope you enjoy.
Thanks for listening!!!

SB129 - 10 years ago

"The Power Within"
Listen to this awesome trance song and relax!

monicamohamm - 11 years ago

HI My name is.Monica ,
nice to meet you please

contact me here i have something to Share

with you or you can give me your
mail to contact you please

mudorios - 11 years ago

what is it? if it is a song, dont post it on my page. if it's not, just tell me. please and thank you.

venomhydra - 13 years ago

remember you challenging my tribal meaning with life and it's 2 remixes? i beat u on all three.

venomhydra - 13 years ago

don't care

mudorios - 13 years ago

only cuz' you had 2 ratings!!!!!!!!! and 1 was really bad!!!!

mudorios - 13 years ago

oeroe, as much as i like music, i dont like ppl ADVERTISING on MY PAGE!

venomhydra - 13 years ago

hey mudorios.

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