
Rock/Metal, Classical/New Age
My favourite Artist is Craig Northey from the band called the ODDS,But the funny thing is that he's my UNCLE!!!My second favourite Artist, is Chad Croger from the band Nickleback.My third and my last favourite Artist is Richie Vallens,he wosn't in a band
Hi,my name is Cameron Northey.I am 10 years old and I like music as you can tell.Well adleast I think you do.Ok now I'll tell tirty tree things about me!!No i wont and I said tiry tree on porpouse I'll tell you guys 4 things about me...NUMBER 1 I am really really fast at running so fast that i can run ito space,NUMBER 2 I loooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NUMBER 3 I like music!!FINNALY THE ONE YOU GUYS HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR IS I like Meagon Fox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steppin it up a notch
i thought to myself, what is this album missing? a dark heavy electronic song that sounds like it was made from some unnatural super being, well. Necrophobia was born. enjoy!
Hello!!! Please check out my new song!!!! Thanks!!!!! ^^
Thank you for the fan!!!!
State of Mind, one of my best! techno-rock
here's one you missed, the last two tracks off my last album, fears of desecration and inverted, and i think they are 2 of my very best!!!!!!!!!
trust me they are worth checking out!! thanks!
ok thanks
here my third track of my album
the world need peace