
Favorite genre

R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Ballad, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove

Favorite artists

Mai Phuong, Any Non Blasphemous Music.

About me

I'm a Musicshake Legend~ Via; The King Of DarkWave.
Greatest in the Art of Gothic-Horror-Darkwave-Ballads and Trance here.
You won't be disappointed...I've been a hit wonder since day one with my first 5 songs, after that it was natural "Channeling my despair into my dark themed music".

Warning: There's a user named ccollins attacking my songs because of their personal misery and my fame on the korean one and only Mother website musicshake. He saw the fan art and huge support i got from people here and other places outside of music shake and now claims he's "more famous and better than the original top 5 artists here from (2010-2017) which are:

89ford, Thienien, KentaKusanagi, Chronos and Chris634.
Check out all of their work, you won't be disappointed.

Boosting: Opening 10-20 windows, clicking play in each then refreshing the page to boost your song to the number one spot.

People who boost:

People who attack innocent artists for being better than them

Update: I will Ban you if you give a half assed Judgement naming instruments i didn't use. I'm not going for that nonsense.

Please ignore this hateful person its him and maybe..(maybe) 1-2 others of the past who hate me because they are miserable from being Beaten by me in music battles here.

Colors Of Sense Album: New Song > Admiral Gloom

Track One: Love Dimension
Track Two: My King
Track Three: Detrimental
Track Four: No Promise to you
Track Five: Pulsate Realm
Track Six: Cruel Revelations
Track seven: Evenflow Soul
Track Eight: Gadal Mana
Track Nine: Stalker Night
Track Ten: Admiral Gloom

Not much to say, but I give honest criticism. I don't lie about how I feel about your music and yes there is a such thing as perfect music, by its own standards.

A list of my "DARKEST SONGS"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mercy - (Song speaks for itself)

Dementia - (Classic, Unhappy ending)

Fear Monger - (Classic, Happy ending)

Morbid - (Easy listening, fairly Dark)

Shunned -
(Smooth ear soothing Ballad of Despair, heartfelt ending)

Lost and Grim - (Orchestral Rock)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A List of My Most "TWISTED TRACKS" (Viewers discretion is advised)
Heart of Darkness - (From The heart, A Hateful tune)

Hostel: The Misanthrope Psychosadist -
(Dialog Of Torture, not suitable for those not familiar with hatred)

Ballad of the Hateful Sadist -
(A Japanese Ballad of overflowing resentment)

BloodLust -
(Depiction of a Maniac Vampire's Lust For Blood)

Mother Hunger - (Horror Theme, to a demonic invasion)

A list of my Most "Heart Touching songs"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sorrow Of Sacrifice - (Just Listen)

Blackheart Forest -
(A Literal Perfect song, No Flaws, sounds like pure perfection, not a hair out of place.)

VIctory in Pain - (Nothing to say but, tears)

Coma - (Famous Song of mine, Enjoy this classical piece)

A List of My Trance Hits
Eternal Life - (You'll lose your God Damn mind)

Jaguar Night - (House Rhythm)

Ethereal Trance - (Sexy Rhythm)

Moonlight Tantra - (Ode to The Moon's Beauty)

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