
Favorite genre
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, Pop
Favorite artists
Michael Jackson, Ariana Grande, Fall Out Boy, Ke$ha, Maroon 5, Jessie J, Nicki Manaj, Ed Sheeran, PVRIS, breaking benjamin, etc
About me
New album coming out on June 10th called Vegas year round :) Enjoy the new album !
Songs by Gamr101 (18) see all
Gamr101's favorites (31) see all
anythn else???? -_- let the voters decide!!! B| There you go. ^^
no man I wont mind, just gimme the link nd i'll vote for ya!!! :D
You're welcome. You mind voting for me on my battle?
thnx dude!!!! :)
I voted for you lyfreix. :)
guuyz plz givme votes
your's atleast to me is a bit better. but it IS close! if u like classic rock try this.
thnx bud!!!
who's one is bit better?
Man this is hard. XD
well, I know right? ;)
shit is best