I DID IT MY WAY/ ROCK created by scootch2 12 years ago
REMIX from my previous posting. No vocals, temp/beat leaning towards Rock and some change up on a number of instruments. tnks 4 dropping by, hope you like.........Beyond the Stars and on the other side of the known Universe stands a lone figure. At first glance it seems that the entity is asleep, so you make your way towards it. As you near closer a tiny voice becomes audible to your ears and it's voice sounds almost panicky. The best thing you decide is for you to get as far gone from there as possible. BUT just then it hears you and turns. With blood coming from it's eyes or is that tears it screams at you...
Have you seen them? Seen whom you ask! "The Kentucky Moonshine Boys" are you as deaf as you are stupid, he say's, they stole my jug! Then you realize, you are face to face with a LEPRECHAUN. Wait a minute, aren't you suppose to worry about that pot of Gold next to you? GOLD SH-MOLD, that's easy to get but moon-shine/white-lightning, now THAT takes some trickery.
Hola my friend!! I entered my song "Night Crawler" in the "Into the Shabows" contest. Please drop by and check it out, rate and comment if you like! Your support is greatly appreciated!! Gracias! ~Felipe Santamaria~
Thank you for listening to my music and favorite.Thank you Favorite. I am very happy. :D
You don't have to worry about it, that song isn't in any competition or anything. I appreciate the good words though, thanks again.
Hello! lol It look like you are new shaker i am a pro who is beastly! hahahahahaha i am funny lol rofl lmao Anyway listen to my NEW song called best song ever u (lol) mite reconise it
from 123C07N says recon lol
Thanks for the comment! I upload, like, 11-15 songs every month at one time because I put them in playlists I treat like albums. And its okay that you rated & favorited it... that's always appreciated by Shakers. :D And about deleting rates & favorites, I