
Favorite genre

Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno

Favorite artists

Hahaaa... I've learned in High School to not hold onto favorite artists, but to hold onto great songs. Electronic and Dance tend to be where most of my favorites lie. But if you have a good message in vocal country I'll listen...

About me

Hello there!

Sooo...I'm here to make some pretty music that I'll like.

Someday, I will learn music theory - informally (because formal school has gotten enough of my money).

I know, you're about to say - "this isn't the site for that"...

I will fulfill goal #1 here...and prepare for goal #2 while fulfilling #1.

What do I do in my spare time? :

1) Writing in my blog about Number and Color Theory and how they relate to Biblcal stuff - using Hebrew [link will be inserted here soon]. One of the reasons I got this account is to get a feel for music. I want to learn music is made "listenable" and turn that into a theory. "What's the theory?" The Milkshake team seems to have gotten it.

2) Waiting for the semesters to pass like seasons and doing what I have do to stay enrolled in school...

3) Playing some of your guys' music on repeat.

Music is a language i want to be fluent in...or at least understand.


Songs by CRanunculus (1) see all
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oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

Morphing Crosstoads. this song is my third "sonic morphing" song, and it has a special story 4 the description! I used to own a Rock Cafe in Holland, where I had Live Music every weekend, with Rock and Blues bands ! it was called "Cafe Crossroads" , We also had a House Party every Sunday evening called "Dance Roads" This song is all about this Café Crossroads !! I hope you will enjoy it!

koloup - 12 years ago

MUSICSHAKE!!! THIS IS HUGE AND I NEED YOUR HELP!!!! I am starting a Concept Album, and I need you guys to make submissions to form it! Check it out by looking a my profile, following the link to koloup101, or by checking out my newest song, the album's first song, called "Grime"! PLEASE CHECK THIS OUT I NEED ALL YOUR GUYS HELP!!!

neolydus - 12 years ago

Still neo
i know you'll love it..:)

CarmineLuv - 12 years ago

Please listen those awesome tracks from my new second album "Successful":

"Maria Guida (Turn to Evil) [Interlude] =

"Under Construction" =

then tell me what you think of them ok?

Jyme - 12 years ago


Vitacca is an all-strings piece that I've been working on from time to time for around 6 months. I'd appreciate it if you'd check it out! :)

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

This song is the 4th song of the "Dream Factory" collection, and I would like to dedicate it, to the original creator of the song, the very talented shaker, "BlanKTowN" this is a really "special one" !
Enjoy the song, and check Tyler his page, by the name of "Blanktown" ! OEROE!

koloup - 13 years ago

TiNyHaNdS05, please check out my latest song. Similar to Cora, I spent just over two months on this so I really hope you like it. The song is a fire and brimstone piece about standing on the edge of oblivion between heaven and hell. Enjoy my latest: Inferno. ♣

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday song to Kay

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