UNKNOWN CIVILISATIONS created by oeroe2911 13 years ago

Plays: 148 Favorites: 23
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Animation

This Song is the 4th Song of the "Dream Factory" collection, and the original song was created by a very talented young Shaker! His name is BlanKTowN, and I did promise him about 4 months ago to remix this beautiful song for him. but the original song was 11 minutes in length, and only in one chord. I have spend nights long, trying to upload the first remix, but it was impossible with the online mix machine! so this is a shortened version, and I would like to dedicate this beautiful "music story" to this very nice guy, who most of you will know by now! "BLanKTowN" ! Tyler, it was a great pleasure to recreate your masterpiece buddy! Enjoy the Song ! OEROE!


Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Warm/Comforting Theme: Christmas
Other remixes on this song
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BLiNKS - 13 years ago

Nice remix! I have to listen to the original, but this still slays! :D Definite rate+fave

blanktown48 - 13 years ago

Hey Oeroe!!! ThiS iS AMAZING!!!! I couldn't wait to hear this, and my waiting Paid oFF!!! (Sorry about 1 chord) But ThaT Doesn't MatteR now!!! I've Got a Shakers Spell ThatS gotta be uP herE!!!!! Anyway, I can't believe it takes you about 2 to 3 months to Upload tHis!! (Too MuscH AwesomE?) You've Out-did Yourself (AGAIN) Oeroe!! I love that ChorD at 4:41, What is it? I might use it for a song coming up!!!

DarkStar1O9 - 13 years ago

Great remix from Blanktown, I see he enjoyed :P ㅎㅎ

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

thanks Tyler!! your very welcome friend! it was a very nice song to remix, but after 4 months , I started to dream about this song, and these unknown civilisation guys are really nice, but they kept on singing until the next day!! LOL! the chord is no: 40 ! have fun with it man! cheers friend! OEROE!

blanktown48 - 13 years ago

BTW, I stumbled upon this song in the Recent Songs to test my HeadSet. (I didn't even log in yet)!! But it was worth the Wait1!!!!

mysterioDX - 13 years ago

very good

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

thanks buddy!

HEBS - 13 years ago

liking those background pads. Great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

thanX Hebs

sentiment - 13 years ago

This has a great start and a very nice calm flow to it! Extravagant mix of synth tones and string! Very well done buddy, excellent work!!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

awesome my friends! thanks! OEROE

KiaraAngel - 13 years ago

This sounds very cool and a perfect theme for outer space. Slow but effective too!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

thank you Kiara!! appreciate it!

Whatup11 - 13 years ago

Why is it so quite?I can barely hear it,Oh wait,my volumes down *Facepalm*

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

maybe there is a banana in your ear........LOL! >#@@#>

hopeflow - 13 years ago

Very very nice! Keep it up o//

CreoleGold - 13 years ago

Nice job on this one.
I love it!!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

thank you Creole! I'm glad your still here! LOL! OEROE

Tiro - 13 years ago

The Tiro-people, unknown till this date! Good job!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

maybe that's because you're a little short fellow, and people just 0verL00K Y0U! LOLOLOL! you're a funny little Tiroguy! Cheers OEROE!

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May 13 2013
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