
Favorite genre
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Jazz
Favorite artists
Taylor Swift Skrillex Neptune Chainsmokers Maroon 5 Toto Asia Europe HERO9HX
About me
I'm a funny guy + Awesome guy who loves acting, drumming, EDM, and dubstep music. I like to dance
and write songs on M U S I C S H A K E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: I also LOVE to make songs on other places like button bass beat lab audiotool and MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( ^_^)
Songs by Actawesome (17) see all
Actawesome's favorites (17) see all
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Hey there! I have officially returned to Musicshake after my long hiatus. Here's 2 new songs, one from the old album that was completed, but never posted, and one from the new album.
Hope you like them both!
Blessed by Fire -
Lost In Her Eyes -
Hope you enjoy this solo piano track:
Please listen to my new song magical and comment what you think. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Hey guys sorry i haven't been making music on musicshake for a while its just that i had such a busy schedule that I almost forgot about musicshake!
I know my last song was completely unknown, but here is a new song that should be on the charts, Machine :-)
Hurry, only a few more days to join my tournament!!!
the Grinch who Stole Christmas...a techno-christmas carol about a president/grinch, who tried to steal Christmas from all the people of the World.....but did NOT succeed!
Don't let anybody steal, or spoil Your Christmas !!
So, I wish You All a very merry Christmas !! Cheers, OEROE!
schyzo... I decided the time was right to create some Real Techno Music on I gave it my best shot!! Hope you will enjoy it! Cheers, OEROE.
ST0P LiViNG IN FEAR ! a Techno Song with a strong Message ! We are definitely not supposed to live our Life in Fear on this beautiful Planet, called Earth !! Read the discription, and Enjoy! OEROE.<#@@#>