
Favorite genre

Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Electronic/Techno, Jazz, Classical/New Age, Other

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Useless information.

About me

The sister account to my main, even though this one came first. This, these songs, were me maturing to the program so some of it is off balance I'm sure but at any rate some of it is gold to me, and at least in creativity. Is what it is.

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Rolgunz - 12 years ago

Willz... lol still alive?? .. hit me up Rolgunz@gmail.com

musicmaker11 - 14 years ago

new song called "Pumped!!!"
Listen if you have time :)

musicmaker11 - 14 years ago

hey!!! can u check out my new song called The Fire Within? i really worked hard on it...thx a lot :D

mntcrisis - 15 years ago

Couple of tribute tunes (Chronos & 89Ford) are up:


I'm not making any promises, so you can only hope you're not next.

scootch - 15 years ago

Just dropt in to say hi & 2 say sorry for my goofball behaviouer. My [scootch account is still active but I also created a new one under shaker name [mockingbird] Sarena2009 don`t care to much for that name, so she wan`ts to get with a few of you in creating a NEW NAME for me. I truely appreciate that, but I see nothing wrong with [mockingbird] specialy after all my song deeleetions. If I would have kept my first shaker name [mamyplus5] & fogone the deeleetions, I would now have around 400 son

scootch - 15 years ago

CHECK THIS VIDEO OUT. IT IS AWESOME. ALSO READ WHAT IT SAY`S. I`am 64+yr`s old & it brought tears to my eyes. I guess I`m just an old softy. NOT DOING GOOD IS WHY I HAVE BEEN M.I.A. Will return when & if things

scootch - 15 years ago

Hello shaker. I`m letting u know that about 10 days ago I developed a serious tooth ache, & that put me into [STRESS,< something that can B life threatening do 2 Heart condision.] That is why I have not been active on MS or will I B untill this fang of

HereComeEvry - 15 years ago

Hello friend! I wish you a happy new year! It 's been so long since my last visit on Musikshake. The work and some minor problems (nothing special, do not worry!) kept me away from you all. I took the opportunity to also take a pause for reflection. Look

wayv - 15 years ago

Hey dude, my new song 'Beyond All Dreams' is on the charts and ready to be listened to...or left there in silence...If a tree falls in the middle of no-where, does it make a sound? Even so, no-one will hear it; same with a song, and you have no idea what

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